Walking with God is a daily adventure! There are days when you feel completely safe in His arms and encased in His love and provision. There are some days when you wonder "Where are You God?" as you see events unfold in your personal life or in the world that just don't make sense. This is a blog and diary of my journey in life... walking in faith... and knowing that no matter how shattered my heart is that God is GOOD, yes, ALL THE TIME, and I praise God that He is SOVEREIGN and even when nothing in life seems to make sense and I feel very alone and in the dark, I can ask God to take my hand and walk me through it and He is true and He is just and He is loving and He will NEVER let go of my hand.

Monday, January 12, 2009


Popcorn is my most favorite "feel good" food of all time. I can have a wonderful dinner and come to the movie theater with a full tummy and I will still have to get a large tub of popcorn to watch the show ~ it's just too tempting for me to resist!

My love for popcorn started when I was growing up. Each year I would look forward to watching the Miss America pageant on television, and to start the yearly tradition off right, it was mandatory to have a big bowl of popcorn and a delicious Coca-Cola! Everything was right in the world with my little girl eyes glued to the television dreaming of the day that I would have a figure like Miss Texas, a smile that covered my face with the biggest pearly white teeth, my big Texas-size hair which adorned the coveted Miss America crown. Sweet dreams were guaranteed as I drifted off to sleep with the smell of roses in the air and a tummy full of my delicious popcorn!

My love for watching Miss America has faded (although not gone completely!) but I have slowly worked popcorn into my daily life! Dim the lights, load a good movie into the DVD player and let me slowly nibble on each delicious, hot and buttery morsel. Every trip to Oklahoma to visit my sister is made memorable by our traditional bowl of popcorn shared together each night!

I have surrendered my popcorn to my weight loss efforts... but, it was the last thing to go. I have tried all 100 calorie popcorn varieties, and have finally settled on an organic popcorn that is popped in an organic olive oil with a dash of sea salt. It's so delicious...

SO WHAT'S THE PROBLEM??? I just read an article by Dr. Don Colbert and he was writing about high glycemic foods. I'm absorbing the information that he's sharing when I came to a heading that made my heart skip a beat: A POPCORN PROBLEM. Whaaaaaaat? I think, "Dr. Colbert, you have just gone from informing to meddling!"

Here's the story (taken from BIBLE CURE for Weight Loss & Muscle Gain by Don Colbert, MD)


One patient arrive at my office weighing three hundred pounds. He claimed to have been on a low-fat diet for years, but continued to gain weight. When I questioned him about his dietary history, I learned that he ate a large bowl of popcorn each night before he went to bed. This man just loved popcorn. He once even joined "Popcorn Anonymous." Each evening he would sit in front of the TV happily munching on popcorn for hours, while his blood sugar level silently rose higher and higher.

The popcorn's high glycemic index caused surges of unsulin to be released in his body. And the insulin told his body to store fat and keep it stored. He felt that he just couldn't lose weight, and he was right. His sugar levels were causing his fat to be locked into his body like a steel vault. Without knowing it, this man was signaling his body to store fat for hours every night.
Read on...
Little Mints with a Large Effect

Another woman came to my office who weighed two hundred thirty pounds. When I questioned her regarding dietary history, her diet actually seemed very healthy. She was not eating a lot of fat, starches or sugars. She was not drinking soft drinks or any other sugary beverages. She was eating plenty of fruits and vegetables.

However, after questioning her further, I found out that she sucked on breath mints all day long. (I chew gum all day long... I would assume it's the same effect.) The sugary mints were enough to keep her blood sugar levels elevated and signal her body to store fat. Even though she was on a low-starch, low-fat diet that had plenty of fruits of vegetables, she continued to gain weight. When she eliminated her sugary breath mints and started on a walking program, she was able to lose eighty pounds in a little over a year with no other dietary changes!

Dr. Colbert then goes on to tell how detrimental it is to your body when you keep your glycemic levels high.

For me, this is an "Ah-Ha" moment. Who would have thought that what I considered to be two of my "innocent" daily behaviors could have such damaging effects on my body and health! To some, this may seem like an easy life-change; but, for me, it's going to take some work! I thank God that He continues to bring information into my life that will equip me to be successful in this area of weight loss. God has work for me to do... and He needs me healthy in order to do it!

"Lord, each day I'm learning anew what the word surrender means. As I pray for MORE OF YOU, I find that means LESS OF ME. You have become my life's quest, for without you, I would have no life! I pray Lord that you renew my mind and give me NEW TRADITIONS, NEW MEMORIES... all of which encompass YOU!! I have been a slave to food, but now I am a slave of Your righteousness. Romans 6:11 says, 'Even so, think of yourself dead to sin.' Lord, I want to die to the obsession that I have to food. Renew my mind... I surrender all."

For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His lovingkindness toward those who fear Him. As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from Him. (Psalm 103:11-12)

Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. (Philippians 1:6)

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