Walking with God is a daily adventure! There are days when you feel completely safe in His arms and encased in His love and provision. There are some days when you wonder "Where are You God?" as you see events unfold in your personal life or in the world that just don't make sense. This is a blog and diary of my journey in life... walking in faith... and knowing that no matter how shattered my heart is that God is GOOD, yes, ALL THE TIME, and I praise God that He is SOVEREIGN and even when nothing in life seems to make sense and I feel very alone and in the dark, I can ask God to take my hand and walk me through it and He is true and He is just and He is loving and He will NEVER let go of my hand.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008


It's one of my favorite songs by Steven Curtis Chapman. It's a song that I've sung many times at the TOP OF MY LUNGS, (are you hearing passionately LOUD?) It's on my MP3 player, so I can play it as often as I like.

One morning, I was in the shower joyfully singing praises to my Lord when the song came on. I begin belting out the words...

"I watch you looking out across the raging water
So sure your only hope lies on the other side
You hear the enemy that's closing in around you
And I know that you don't have the strength to fight
But do you have the faith to stand?

Believe me now? Believe me here?
Remember all the times I told you loud and clear?
I am with you and I am for you ~
So believe me now!"

Before I realized it, I was on the floor of the shower sobbing. Yes, Lord, I believe You! Of course I do! I believe You, Lord... I believe You!

At the time, I didn't realize that my world was about to turn upside down. I didn't realize that my sweet Savior was preparing my heart for what was to come.

The following weeks quickly turned into months and has painfully stretched into the remainder of the year - each day calling me to walk in a new level of FAITH.

FAITH?? I am a girl that has BIG FAITH in My God! I've been the recipient of many of God's beautiful miracles... my daughter being one of them! Praying for a baby and enduring 7 years of infertility treatments surely wins you some kind of reward for being a faith-filled woman!

And yet, I hear Him asking me the question...

"I am the one who waved my hand and split the ocean
I am the One who spoke the words and raised the dead
And I've loved you long before I set the world in motion
I know all the fears you're feeling now ~
But do you remember who I am?

Will you believe me now? Believe me here?
Remember all the times I told you loud and clear?
I am with you and I am for you ~
So believe me now... believe it's true
I never have, I never will abandon you!

And the God that I have always been ~ I will forever be!!
I am God who never wastes a single hurt that you endure
My words are true ~ and all My promises are sure!"

God has shown me that faith has many levels. If you have accepted the Lord as your Savior, then you definitely have faith.

Soon after my "melt down" in the shower, I received a call that my 25 year old nephew had been hurt after diving into the lake one day. He was star flighted to the hospital and put on life support. I had many precious prayer warrior friends praying that Kevin's young life would be spared. After 2 weeks, he passed away.

"God, I prayed and had FAITH that you would heal my nephew!" And yet, God is calling me to have FAITH in HIM. I must have FAITH in God's faithfulness! I must have FAITH in God's perfect will. I must have faith that God loves my nephew more than my sister loved her son, more than I loved my nephew! I have FAITH in His ways, not my own.

He has told me many times... I don't have to understand, I don't have to know why, I just have to have FAITH.

On the day that I received the news of my nephew's passing, I received the news that my best friend of 20 years had been diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer.

Yes, Lord... I believe YOU. I'm feeling like I've lost my strength to stand, but I know You are here with me, and you've sent armor bearers to hold my arms up to praise You! Thank you, God, You have not abandoned me...

I have prayed and fasted and believe and stand firm in FAITH that my precious friend, Diane, will be healed. She has made remarkable strides in her treatments! THANK YOU GOD!! I have FAITH in You.

But, the most difficult journey I've been walking through are issues concerning my son. Although I don't feel led to share the specifics of what his illness (the world has labeled him Bipolar) has wreaked on my family, I can share that I now realize that I have never known what the true meaning of FAITH is until now. Where the world sees no hope, I know that my God is a BIG God of hope! I know that my God loves to perform miracles today. I know that my God is FAITHFUL... in ALL THINGS... in ALL WAYS... at ALL TIMES.

And you want to know what the BIGGEST SECRET I've learned as my FAITH continues to grow? PRAISE. Ipraise God before the storms, I praise God during the storms, I praise God when the lightening bolts strike! Then... I praise God when the torrential downpours subside to a sprinkling rain... and if you watch long enough... you may even see this big girl dancing!!

Yes, Lord, I believe. Help me believe more!!

Be blessed today, and thank you for reading a little expression from my heart! :)

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